Monday, March 14, 2011

frani (aka mama)

my mom has this magnet on her fridge - I think it is hilarious.


  1. lani lu

    you never cease to amaze me, how talented you are...who knew?? not me for sure. baking, fashion, cooking, photography, logo design, all of it. i am so impressed. keep it going and i will forever follow.

    lovexxxooo kithy

  2. OMG that is me in a nutshell...I would love to have a magnet like that! It would make me laugh everyday!

  3. thanks guys! can't take the credit, kithy. the only photo i have taken so far is the one of my cake pops. i sourced the invitations on other blogs that i like. i don't want to post all of my work. but i may put some on at some point. once i get going i plan to take all the photos, especially of my food. i am just learning the in's and out's of blogging. so i started to provide photo credits.
