Thursday, April 28, 2011

lucky me...

my bobby pins are now being sold at lucky-lu's hair parlour in nw denver!
check them out if you are in the 'hood. for all you out of towners, message me if you are interested in purchasing. My daughter was sweet enough to model for me. they are great gifts for bridesmaids, little girls or your special friend. don't forget mother's day.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

spring is sprung...

 not your traditional easter eggs. one quick step turns easter eggs from ordinary to EGGStraordinary! follow the simple steps on the box. 

after you add the vinegar and water to the dye tablet, add about one tablespoon of olive oil (or whatever you have in the kitchen). dip the hard boiled eggs in different colors. the oil allows the dye to slide around, so you end up with this beautiful batik look. 

blot extra dye off, after they dry completely wipe any excess oil -
this provides a beautiful natural looking sheen.

 happy easter!

Monday, April 18, 2011

quick homemade tortillas...

after making homemade corn tortillas it's hard to go back to store bought. they are pretty easy too. I have rolled them out in the past with a rolling pin, but do yourself a favor and purchase a cast-iron tortilla press. it's awesome and under $20 - i purchase this one at a local hispanic market for $15. it can also be used for other things, quick press for pasta dough to fill for ravioli, flatten a short (butter based) cookie dough to bake and roll cookie for a cannoli or ice cream cone and finally,
fortune cookies. so it is not just for tortillas. 3 steps to a delicioso dinner. 


purchase some instant masa, typically next to the four at the grocery store, follow the instructions:
add water & salt! it's that easy. you will have a mixture like above, scoop with an ice cream scoop & roll in a ball. place on the machine & press. i put some plastic wrap on each side of the press for easy removal. after the masa is presses, remove the flattened masa with the plastic wrap and place in a hot greased skillet. i like the spectrum olive oil spray. cook on each side until complete and repeat.



i had some left over mixed peppers and red onions that i placed on
the warm tortilla with some pre-made rotisserie chicken form the grocery store...

{3} TOP

... topped with mexican crema & some hot sauce (cholula is my fave)! 


Monday, April 11, 2011

fruit, veggies and flowers, oh my...

come springtime, i want flowers in the house all the time. this weekend i was at the grocery store looking for flowers,  the pickin's were slim. i bought some white carnations, yes i said carnations. only $4.99. they are so pretty when you cut them short in a bunch & make them into a tight cluster. give them a try, clean and simple! then you too can say, "yes, i said carnations!"

i think that fruit and veggies are so pretty on a plate or a bowl. i just picked up some artichokes and lemons (steamed artichokes and lemon aioli - for tonight's dinner) and thought that they were too pretty to just put away in the kitchen. i arranged them on the table in between the 
2 arrangements of carnations. fruit, veggie & flower, tri-fecta!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

white stripes...

i don't know how this is the first time i heard this song - but it should make bob proud!